The manufacture of semiconductor devices requires highly skilled technical workers trained for “digital manufacturing,” i.e. high-function technicians and engineers trained in both the advanced manufacturing (AM) “hardware systems” incorporating robotic and mechatronic components, and information technology (IT) “software systems” that integrate and control a “network” of hardware systems across an AM enterprise.
The Career Alignment Platform (CAP) seeks to drive a systematic progression in skills mastery for technicians and engineers by organizing industry-relevant training content by career pathways in the advanced manufacture of computer chips organized by groups of systems in:
- Facilities & Utilities;
- Equipment & Support; and,
- Process & Integration.

Our strategy is to jointly develop systems-focused training content and related test-beds organized by career pathways in partnership with supply chain companies serving the semiconductor industry. Our approach is to support the entire pipeline of workforce development by focusing on:
- Engagement of new and traditionally under-represented communities to explore the broad array of AM career opportunities;
- Attraction of workers currently employed in adjacent sectors who may seek to apply their foundational skills to the dynamic challenges of AM systems; and
- Advancement of experienced AM workers through the cross-training necessary for performance management within the AM enterprise.
Targeting Traditionally Under-Represented Communities
CAP provides access to the tools to begin the journey for new and traditionally under-represented communities, through the AMP SkillupAmerica Learning Management System (LMS) by providing students with: integrated assessments, remedial training programs, career pathways exploration, access to on-line content in foundational and intermediate skills in AM and IT, measurable skills gains, industry certifications, and employer engagement with matchmaking with prospective employees.
Industry-Relevant Training Content & Test-beds
Using a system-focused approach, CAP supports targeted industry engagement by the AMP Center to jointly curate and develop industry-compliant career content and training test-beds targeting three AM career pathways that include: “Facilities & Utilities”, “Equipment & Support”, and “Process & Integration”. Curated and developed career content includes on-line, in-lab, and in-fab curriculum targeting foundational, intermediate and advanced skill levels.
CAP supports the alignment of in-lab and in-fab hands-on learning opportunities with access to E-Learning short courses, workshops, instructional animations, axonometric/orthographic illustrations, virtual labs, augmented and virtual reality experiences.
Training test-beds complete the educational journey with hands-on experiential learning at the bench-level, progressing to the tool-level, and concluding with fab-level tailored for the respective equipment, facility, and process exposures.
Partner Aligned Training Hub (PATH) Model
In a partnership between University at Albany’s North East Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC) and the AMP Center, the Partner Aligned Training Hub (PATH) model combines AMP’s focus on development of training program “capabilities” with NEATEC’s focus on training delivery “services” to provide a comprehensive approach to workforce training in AM – especially in the emerging data-driven “digital manufacturing” sectors. The PATH model can be scaled and tailored for regional workforce training needs.
AMP SkillupAmerica
AMP has worked closely with NY Wired to develop the “AMP SkillupAmerica” (AMP Skillup) LMS to establish a pipeline of students to consider career pathways in advanced manufacturing (AM) and information technology (IT). Working with NY Wired and in collaboration with regional workforce development entities, AMP Skillup provides an important technology platform to identify and engage prospective employees; and, working with the New York Business Council to engage prospective employers seeking to hire highly skilled employees.
Advanced Manufacturing Performance (AMP) Center
The Advanced Manufacturing Performance (AMP) Center at University at Albany enables partner collaboration within a unique open-innovation technology model located at the Albany NanoTech complex. With a 300mm wafer industry-compliant silicon wafer process line operated by NY CREATES in partnership with leading device fabrication companies, original equipment manufacturers, and ancillary equipment suppliers, the AMP Center is engaging with industry to develop a comprehensive solution that includes creation of content delivery applications, curated content production, training & technology test-beds, and workforce delivery services that can be scaled and tailored for regional needs.
North East Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC)
The Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC) is an ATE Regional Center funded by the National Science Foundation that fulfills the needs of the nanotechnology and semiconductor manufacturing industries in New York State and Western New England by supporting the education and training of technicians. Led by University at Albany, the Center represents a collaborative partnership that includes manufacturers, community colleges, regional high schools, Fort Drum military installation, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and refugee centers.